You were always the one.
All along.
You always stood by me.
You always had my back.
You always heard me.
Even when I didn’t smile back,
you kept smiling at me.
Even when I ignored you,
you kept showing up anyway.
Even when I said, “I hate you”,
you said, “I love you even more”.
You were always the one.
All along.
And just when I thought I couldn’t live any moment longer,
you stayed with me,
and gave me the strength to carry on.
Even when I didn’t believe in myself,
you never stopped believing in me.
Even when I was boiling with self-hatred and disgust,
you showered me with love.
It was you.
You were always the one.
All along.
I’m sorry for treating you the way I did.
I’m sorry for ignoring you,
hating you,
criticizing you,
hurting you.
Will you forgive me?
You were always the one.
You will always be.
I love you.