A journey through voice and words.

“To listen to yourself requires inner strength and trust. Trust that the stillness and silence you will meet once you decide to listen again will offer a place of growth and liberation.” — Vanessa

Vanessa Vorbach Grief


The world keeps living,

while you stand still. 

The time moves on,

while your inner clock is stuck. 

You see people’s mouths moving,

but you can’t hear them. 

You do, think, feel things,

you have never done, thought, felt before. 

You look in the mirror,

and you don’t recognize yourself. 

You keep wondering why,

yet no answer is coming. 

You ask yourself if you ever will feel normal again,

but deep down you know life will be different. 

Emotions will hit you like a giant wave out of nowhere. 

They will keep coming. 

Grief has no rules, no logic. 

It knows no boundaries. 

It does not have an expiration date. 

Grief teaches us the importance of living. 

Without grief, there is no love. 

Without love, there is no grief. 

So go ahead. Keep loving. 

And honor grief for what it truly is. 

The result of having loved wholeheartedly, courageously and unconditionally. 


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Exciting news! The Rise Again book is now available in all formats. Get your hands on this inspiring read in a beautiful set directly on our website, or grab the ebook and audiobook versions on Amazon and Apple. Whether you love experiencing it with all of your senses, listening on the go, or diving into digital, I have got you covered. The choice is yours. I can’t wait for you to immerse yourself in the Rise Again journey today.