You arrive.
The air is so crisp and clean.
All distractions, noises, unimportant details
are stripped away.
Your view has never been clearer.
At this moment everything makes sense.
There are no questions, doubts, regrets, and uncertainties.
This is it.
You just know it in every cell of your being.
Your breath becomes slower and deeper.
You finally feel it.
Your truest essence.
It’s the moment when you catch a glimpse of
the bird’s eye view of your very own life.
It’s the moment when you can see the forest
for the trees at last.
And just when every single inch of your body
lights up with this pure, unconditional energy,
deep down you know,
this magic can’t last forever.
Then it’s over.
Back to life.
Dreaming about the next homecoming,
and trusting that every lesson
along the way will be necessary
to get there.