Before even putting pen to paper, I envisioned The Rise Again magnetic bookmark. As an avid reader, I longed for the ideal bookmark that would bring a smile to my face and effortlessly keep track of my progress. With its magnetic feature, this bookmark allows you to mark your page without risking any damage to your book. Its sleek design, measuring just 1.2 x 2.4 inches when folded, ensures ease of use wherever your reading adventures take you. I affectionately refer to it as my adorable reading assistant.
Exciting news! The Rise Again book is now available in all formats. Get your hands on this inspiring read in a beautiful set directly on our website, or grab the ebook and audiobook versions on Amazon and Apple. Whether you love experiencing it with all of your senses, listening on the go, or diving into digital, I have got you covered. The choice is yours. I can’t wait for you to immerse yourself in the Rise Again journey today.